Create Your Username

  • View your Credit Report and Credit Score online any time
  • Get personalised advice to help reduce the risk of identity theft
  • Choose how you receive alerts about changes to your Credit Profile
  • Update your Membership Details

To create your username simply complete the form below.

We need to ask for this information so that we can make sure your personal credit details are only accessed by you.

Once you have your username you can access your account online, including your Credit Report, as often as you like.

* Indicates a mandatory field

Personal Details

/ /
(inc.std code and no spaces)

OR If you complete this field, to proceed with the application please complete the Flat/House Name field.

Security details

Username must be between 4-25 characters
Password must be between 8-15 characters, include a capital letter and a number
Memorable word must be between 8-15 characters and not contain any number or special characters
Required for extra security
Required for extra security

Credit Report Monitoring Preferences

How would you like to receive your credit report monitoring alerts?
You can change this at a later date. Simply login and update your details on the My Profile page.

(Required if receive by SMS is chosen)

Tenerity would like to keep you informed about our other services including via SMS and email. Please uncheck this box if you do not wish to receive this information.